CBD Oil White Labelling Service

uHemp are a leading provider white and private label CBD products since 2014. A private white label program is the ideal way for our customers to select a bundle of high-quality CBD products so that they can focus on the front end of the business such as distribution, marketing and sales. You can select products with printed packaging or completely blank so you can add your own labelling.

We want to develop leading products for our customers so they can win in the crowded CBD marketplace. We have developed products for many leading brands, reach out to us to learn more about how we can help differentiate your brand.

The demand for CBD products has increased significantly in the retail sector over the last few years. We offer customised private label CBD solutions and create specific cannabinoid formulations for your brand. Thanks to our many years of experience, you will not only receive the best advice from us with regard to product development.

More details on white labelling CBD products here